Restoration and Enforcement of Democracy

R.E.D is an agency implemented by the government since the year 2100, with the aim of maintaining order in the face of chaos.Specifically, R.E.D aims to hunt down every naturally modified metahuman and bring it to the grassroots to assign it to a program of "rehabilitation and re-education" so as not to cause harm to society that seeks to thrive in the scarce environment of natural resources.In addition to the natural hierarchical positions, R.E.D assigns his subordinates to two areas: Military Soldiers and Red Agents.

Red Agents are the famous metahuman ties that usually split into pairs or groups of 4 people, always having a leader in the squad. They are allowed to do whatever they want, even use their supernatural powers, as long as it is not serious enough to tarnish the "honor" of the UN should there be any scandal.Red agents are strictly forbidden to have any relationship, either between them or with humans. The rule is enforced with the aim of no longer reproducing natural metahumans and causing disorder, as well as more work for the government. However, R.E.D. does not grant egg retrieval or castration surgery to prevent this from happening. And the motive is to instill fear among the agents with the consequences it would take to have a relationship with someone.

If an agent is reported to have any kind of relationship, an investigation is opened and if it is proven, the companion, if human, is killed on the spot and the agent is taken to the SS. If both are metahumans, the two are taken to SS. If a metahuman baby is conceived by this forbidden relationship, the child is taken in and raised by the R.E.D. until she is old enough to enter the RED SYSTEM. The child's parents are directed to the FINAL SYSTEM and specifically made the object of torture and hunting and training, by their own child.
Although the RED SYSTEM shows some of what R.E.D is actually made of, only group/duo leaders and high-ranking agents really know what happens to metahumans after they are assigned to the base.

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Red Agents Characters ⇓

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Military Soldiers are normal men who end up being synthetically modified by the Search System to be stronger, more agile and alert to any kind of threat. The drugs are similar to NEX, but with a more specific care to only enhance their senses and not make them monsters, for the difficulty that would be to deal with addicted soldiers and with powers, so only natural metahumans are designated to be Red Agents. It is usually the soldiers who are in charge of patrolling and guarding the city from above and the underworld, as well as alerting the Red Agents if there is a metahuman case among the various crimes that happen constantly.

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Military Soldiers Characters ⇓

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R.E.D is a greedy agency and takes advantage of the power given to it by the government. Even though it has an acronym of honor and democracy, R.E.D abuses its limits in addition to trafficking NEX under the covers, to the underworld at a price far below the ordinary, with the aim of addicting and profiting on people. The addicts who end up having no more use for money or slavery after the accumulation of debts, end up being killed and discarded as garbage, placing all the blame on DEVILS.